Advanced Usage

Customizing Pool Behavior

The PoolManager class automatically handles creating ConnectionPool instances for each host as needed. By default, it will keep a maximum of 10 ConnectionPool instances. If you’re making requests to many different hosts it might improve performance to increase this number.

import urllib3

http = urllib3.PoolManager(num_pools=50)

However, keep in mind that this does increase memory and socket consumption.

Similarly, the ConnectionPool class keeps a pool of individual HTTPConnection instances. These connections are used during an individual request and returned to the pool when the request is complete. By default only one connection will be saved for re-use. If you are making many requests to the same host simultaneously it might improve performance to increase this number.

import urllib3

http = urllib3.PoolManager(maxsize=10)
# Alternatively
pool = urllib3.HTTPConnectionPool("", maxsize=10)

The behavior of the pooling for ConnectionPool is different from PoolManager. By default, if a new request is made and there is no free connection in the pool then a new connection will be created. However, this connection will not be saved if more than maxsize connections exist. This means that maxsize does not determine the maximum number of connections that can be open to a particular host, just the maximum number of connections to keep in the pool. However, if you specify block=True then there can be at most maxsize connections open to a particular host.

http = urllib3.PoolManager(maxsize=10, block=True)

# Alternatively
pool = urllib3.HTTPConnectionPool("", maxsize=10, block=True)

Any new requests will block until a connection is available from the pool. This is a great way to prevent flooding a host with too many connections in multi-threaded applications.

Streaming and I/O

When using preload_content=True (the default setting) the response body will be read immediately into memory and the HTTP connection will be released back into the pool without manual intervention.

However, when dealing with large responses it’s often better to stream the response content using preload_content=False. Setting preload_content to False means that urllib3 will only read from the socket when data is requested.


When using preload_content=False, you need to manually release the HTTP connection back to the connection pool so that it can be re-used. To ensure the HTTP connection is in a valid state before being re-used all data should be read off the wire.

You can call the drain_conn() to throw away unread data still on the wire. This call isn’t necessary if data has already been completely read from the response.

After all data is read you can call release_conn() to release the connection into the pool.

You can call the close() to close the connection, but this call doesn’t return the connection to the pool, throws away the unread data on the wire, and leaves the connection in an undefined protocol state. This is desirable if you prefer not reading data from the socket to re-using the HTTP connection.

stream() lets you iterate over chunks of the response content.

import urllib3

resp = urllib3.request(

for chunk in
    # b"\x9e\xa97'\x8e\x1eT ....


If you desire to iterate over chunks as soon as they arrive, specify -1 as the amt.

import urllib3

resp = urllib3.request(

for chunk in
    # b"\x9e\xa97'\x8e\x1eT ....


However, you can also treat the HTTPResponse instance as a file-like object. This allows you to do buffering:

import urllib3

resp = urllib3.request(

# b"\x88\x1f\x8b\xe5"

Calls to read() will block until more response data is available.

import io
import urllib3

resp = urllib3.request(

reader = io.BufferedReader(resp, 8)
# b"\xbf\x9c\xd6"


You can use this file-like object to do things like decode the content using codecs:

import codecs
import json
import urllib3

reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")

resp = urllib3.request(

# {"origin": ""}



You can use ProxyManager to tunnel requests through an HTTP proxy:

import urllib3

proxy = urllib3.ProxyManager("https://localhost:3128/")
proxy.request("GET", "")

The usage of ProxyManager is the same as PoolManager.

You can connect to a proxy using HTTP, HTTPS or SOCKS. urllib3’s behavior will be different depending on the type of proxy you selected and the destination you’re contacting.

Note that regardless of HTTP version support, the tunneling will always start a HTTP/1.1 connection. HTTP/2 can be negotiated afterward. Also note that using a proxy disable HTTP/3 if supported, the connection will never be upgraded.

HTTP and HTTPS Proxies

Both HTTP/HTTPS proxies support HTTP and HTTPS destinations. The only difference between them is if you need to establish a TLS connection to the proxy first. You can specify which proxy you need to contact by specifying the proper proxy scheme. (i.e http:// or https://)

urllib3’s behavior will be different depending on your proxy and destination:

  • HTTP proxy + HTTP destination

    Your request will be forwarded with the absolute URI.

  • HTTP proxy + HTTPS destination

    A TCP tunnel will be established with a HTTP CONNECT. Afterward a TLS connection will be established with the destination and your request will be sent.

  • HTTPS proxy + HTTP destination

    A TLS connection will be established to the proxy and later your request will be forwarded with the absolute URI.

  • HTTPS proxy + HTTPS destination

    A TLS-in-TLS tunnel will be established. An initial TLS connection will be established to the proxy, then an HTTP CONNECT will be sent to establish a TCP connection to the destination and finally a second TLS connection will be established to the destination. You can customize the ssl.SSLContext used for the proxy TLS connection through the proxy_ssl_context argument of the ProxyManager class.

For HTTPS proxies we also support forwarding your requests to HTTPS destinations with an absolute URI if the use_forwarding_for_https argument is set to True. We strongly recommend you only use this option with trusted or corporate proxies as the proxy will have full visibility of your requests.

Your proxy appears to only use HTTP and not HTTPS

If you’re receiving the ProxyError and it mentions your proxy only speaks HTTP and not HTTPS here’s what to do to solve your issue:

If you’re using urllib3 directly, make sure the URL you’re passing into urllib3.ProxyManager starts with http:// instead of https://:

# Do this:
http = urllib3.ProxyManager("http://...")

# Not this:
http = urllib3.ProxyManager("https://...")

If instead you’re using urllib3 through another library like Requests there are multiple ways your proxy could be mis-configured. You need to figure out where the configuration isn’t correct and make the fix there. Some common places to look are environment variables like HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and ALL_PROXY.

Ensure that the values for all of these environment variables starts with http:// and not https://:

# Check your existing environment variables in bash
$ env | grep "_PROXY"
HTTPS_PROXY=  # <--- This setting is the problem!

# Make the fix in your current session and test your script
$ export HTTPS_PROXY=""
$ python  # This should now pass.

# Persist your change in your shell 'profile' (~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, etc)
# You may need to logout and log back in to ensure this works across all programs.
$ vim ~/.bashrc

If you’re on Windows or macOS your proxy may be getting set at a system level. To check this first ensure that the above environment variables aren’t set then run the following:

$ python -c 'import urllib.request; print(urllib.request.getproxies())'

If the output of the above command isn’t empty and looks like this:

  "http": "",
  "https": ""  # <--- This setting is the problem!

Search how to configure proxies on your operating system and change the https://... URL into http://. After you make the change the return value of urllib.request.getproxies() should be:

{  # Everything is good here! :)
  "http": "",
  "https": ""

If you still can’t figure out how to configure your proxy after all these steps please create an issue and we’ll try to help you with your issue.

SOCKS Proxies

For SOCKS, you can use SOCKSProxyManager to connect to SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxies. In order to use SOCKS proxies you will need to install python-socks or install urllib3-future with the socks extra:

python -m pip install urllib3.future[socks]

Once python-socks is installed, you can use SOCKSProxyManager:

from urllib3.contrib.socks import SOCKSProxyManager

proxy = SOCKSProxyManager("socks5h://localhost:8889/")
proxy.request("GET", "")


It is recommended to use socks5h:// or socks4a:// schemes in your proxy_url to ensure that DNS resolution is done from the remote server instead of client-side when connecting to a domain name.

Custom TLS Certificates

Instead of using certifi you can provide your own certificate authority bundle. This is useful for cases where you’ve generated your own certificates or when you’re using a private certificate authority. Just provide the full path to the certificate bundle when creating a PoolManager:

import urllib3

http = urllib3.PoolManager(
resp = http.request("GET", "")

When you specify your own certificate bundle only requests that can be verified with that bundle will succeed. It’s recommended to use a separate PoolManager to make requests to URLs that do not need the custom certificate.

Custom SNI Hostname

If you want to create a connection to a host over HTTPS which uses SNI, there are two places where the hostname is expected. It must be included in the Host header sent, so that the server will know which host is being requested. The hostname should also match the certificate served by the server, which is checked by urllib3.

Normally, urllib3 takes care of setting and checking these values for you when you connect to a host by name. However, it’s sometimes useful to set a connection’s expected Host header and certificate hostname (subject), especially when you are connecting without using name resolution. For example, you could connect to a server by IP using HTTPS like so:

import urllib3

pool = urllib3.HTTPSConnectionPool(
    headers={"Host": ""},

Note that when you use a connection in this way, you must specify assert_same_host=False.

This is useful when DNS resolution for does not match the address that you would like to use. The IP may be for a private interface, or you may want to use a specific host under round-robin DNS.

Verifying TLS against a different host

If the server you’re connecting to presents a different certificate than the hostname or the SNI hostname, you can use assert_hostname:

import urllib3

pool = urllib3.HTTPSConnectionPool(
pool.request("GET", "/")

Client Certificates

You can also specify a client certificate. This is useful when both the server and the client need to verify each other’s identity. Typically these certificates are issued from the same authority. To use a client certificate, provide the full path when creating a PoolManager:

http = urllib3.PoolManager(

If you have an encrypted client certificate private key you can use the key_password parameter to specify a password to decrypt the key.

http = urllib3.PoolManager(

If your key isn’t encrypted the key_password parameter isn’t required.

TLS minimum and maximum versions

When the configured TLS versions by urllib3 aren’t compatible with the TLS versions that the server is willing to use you’ll likely see an error like this one:

SSLError(1, '[SSL: UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL] unsupported protocol (_ssl.c:1124)')

Starting in v2.0 by default urllib3 uses TLS 1.2 and later so servers that only support TLS 1.1 or earlier will not work by default with urllib3.

To fix the issue you’ll need to use the ssl_minimum_version option along with the TLSVersion enum in the standard library ssl module to configure urllib3 to accept a wider range of TLS versions.

For the best security it’s a good idea to set this value to the version of TLS that’s being used by the server. For example if the server requires TLS 1.0 you’d configure urllib3 like so:

import ssl
import urllib3

http = urllib3.PoolManager(
# This request works!
resp = http.request("GET", "")

Certificate Validation and macOS

Apple-provided Python and OpenSSL libraries contain a patches that make them automatically check the system keychain’s certificates. This can be surprising if you specify custom certificates and see requests unexpectedly succeed. For example, if you are specifying your own certificate for validation and the server presents a different certificate you would expect the connection to fail. However, if that server presents a certificate that is in the system keychain then the connection will succeed.

This article has more in-depth analysis and explanation.

TLS Warnings

urllib3 will issue several different warnings based on the level of certificate verification support. These warnings indicate particular situations and can be resolved in different ways.

Making unverified HTTPS requests is strongly discouraged, however, if you understand the risks and wish to disable these warnings, you can use disable_warnings():

import urllib3


Alternatively you can capture the warnings with the standard logging module:


Finally, you can suppress the warnings at the interpreter level by setting the PYTHONWARNINGS environment variable or by using the -W flag.

Brotli Encoding

Brotli is a compression algorithm created by Google with better compression than gzip and deflate and is supported by urllib3 if the Brotli package or brotlicffi package is installed. You may also request the package be installed via the urllib3[brotli] extra:

$ python -m pip install urllib3.future[brotli]

Here’s an example using brotli encoding via the Accept-Encoding header:

import urllib3

    headers={"Accept-Encoding": "br"}

Zstandard Encoding

Zstandard is a compression algorithm created by Facebook with better compression than brotli, gzip and deflate (see benchmarks) and is supported by urllib3 if the zstandard package is installed. You may also request the package be installed via the urllib3.future[zstd] extra:

$ python -m pip install urllib3.future[zstd]


Zstandard support in urllib3 requires using v0.18.0 or later of the zstandard package. If the version installed is less than v0.18.0 then Zstandard support won’t be enabled.

Here’s an example using zstd encoding via the Accept-Encoding header:

import urllib3

    headers={"Accept-Encoding": "zstd"}

Decrypting Captured TLS Sessions with Wireshark

Python 3.8 and higher support logging of TLS pre-master secrets. With these secrets tools like Wireshark can decrypt captured network traffic.

To enable this simply define environment variable SSLKEYLOGFILE:

export SSLKEYLOGFILE=/path/to/keylogfile.txt

Then configure the key logfile in Wireshark, see Wireshark TLS Decryption for instructions.

Custom SSL Contexts

You can exercise fine-grained control over the urllib3 SSL configuration by providing a ssl.SSLContext object. For purposes of compatibility, we recommend you obtain one from create_urllib3_context().

Once you have a context object, you can mutate it to achieve whatever effect you’d like. For example, the code below loads the default SSL certificates, sets the ssl.OP_ENABLE_MIDDLEBOX_COMPAT flag that isn’t set by default, and then makes a HTTPS request:

import ssl

from urllib3 import PoolManager
from urllib3.util import create_urllib3_context

ctx = create_urllib3_context()

with PoolManager(ssl_context=ctx) as pool:
    pool.request("GET", "")

Note that this is different from passing an options argument to create_urllib3_context() because we don’t overwrite the default options: we only add a new one.

Remembering HTTP/3 over QUIC support

There is a chance that you may want to speed up HTTP/3 negotiation. urllib3 does not remember if a particular host, port HTTP server is capable of serving QUIC.

In practice, we always have to initiate a TCP connection and then observe the first response headers in order to determine if the remote is capable of communicating through QUIC.


Since urllib3.future 2.4+ we are capable of asking for DNS HTTPS records to preemptively connect using HTTP/3 over QUIC.


HTTP/3 require installing qh3 package if not automatically grabbed.

from urllib3 import PoolManager

quic_cache = dict()

with PoolManager(preemptive_quic_cache=quic_cache) as pool:
    pool.request("GET", "")

In bellow example, the variable quic_cache will be populated with a single entry and if you pickle and restore this variable in between interpreter run, it should not make TCP connection prior to the QUIC one.

urllib3 is meant to be thread safe, so we do not provide any ‘default’ solution for the caching. It is up to you.

preemptive_quic_cache takes any MutableMapping[Tuple[str, int], Tuple[str, int] | None].

Note that to lower the attack surface we won’t allow hostname switching from saved Alt-Svc entry.

Explicitly disable HTTP/2 and/or HTTP/3

You can, at your own discretion, disable HTTP/2 and/or HTTP/3 by passing the argument disabled_svn to your PoolManager. It takes a set of HttpVersion like so:

from urllib3 import PoolManager, HttpVersion

with PoolManager(disabled_svn={HttpVersion.h3, HttpVersion.h2}) as pool:
    resp = pool.request("GET", "")
    print(resp.version)  # 11


HTTP/3 require installing qh3 package if not automatically available. Setting disabled_svn has no effect otherwise. Also, you cannot disable HTTP/1.1 at the current state of affairs.

Multiplexed connection

Since the version 2.2 you can emit multiple concurrent requests and retrieve the responses later. A new keyword argument is available in PoolManager, HTTPPoolConnection through the following methods:

When you omit multiplexed=... it default to the old behavior of waiting upon the response and return a HTTPResponse otherwise if you specify multiplexed=True it will return a ResponsePromise instead.

Here is an example:

  from urllib3 import PoolManager

  with PoolManager() as pm:
      promise0 = pm.urlopen("GET", "", multiplexed=True)
      # <ResponsePromise 'IOYTFooi0bCuaQ9mwl4HaA==' HTTP/2.0 Stream[1]>
      promise1 = pm.urlopen("GET", "", multiplexed=True)
      # <ResponsePromise 'U9xT9dPVGnozL4wzDbaA3w==' HTTP/2.0 Stream[3]>
      response0 = pm.get_response()
      # the second request arrived first
      response0.json()["url"]  #
      # the first arrived last
      response1 = pm.get_response()
      response1.json()["url"]  #

or you may do::

  from urllib3 import PoolManager

  with PoolManager() as pm:
      promise0 = pm.urlopen("GET", "", multiplexed=True)
      # <ResponsePromise 'IOYTFooi0bCuaQ9mwl4HaA==' HTTP/2.0 Stream[1]>
      promise1 = pm.urlopen("GET", "", multiplexed=True)
      # <ResponsePromise 'U9xT9dPVGnozL4wzDbaA3w==' HTTP/2.0 Stream[3]>
      response0 = pm.get_response(promise=promise0)
      # forcing retrieving promise0
      response0.json()["url"]  #
      # then pick first available
      response1 = pm.get_response()
      response1.json()["url"]  #


You cannot expect the connection upgrade to HTTP/3 if all in-flight request aren’t consumed.


Using multiplexed=True if the target connection does not support it is ignored and assume you meant multiplexed=False. It will raise a warning in a future version.

Associate a promise to its response

When issuing concurrent request using multiplexed=True and want to retrieve the responses in whatever order they may come, you may want to clearly identify the originating promise.

To identify with certainty:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager() as pm:
    promise0 = pm.urlopen("GET", "", multiplexed=True)
    # <ResponsePromise 'IOYTFooi0bCuaQ9mwl4HaA==' HTTP/2.0 Stream[1]>
    promise1 = pm.urlopen("GET", "", multiplexed=True)
    # <ResponsePromise 'U9xT9dPVGnozL4wzDbaA3w==' HTTP/2.0 Stream[3]>
    response = pm.get_response()
    # verify that response is linked to second promise
    # True!
    # False.

In-memory client (mTLS) certificate


Available since version 2.2

Using newly added cert_data and key_data arguments in HTTPSConnection, HTTPSPoolConnection and PoolManager. you will be capable of passing the certificate along with its key without getting nowhere near your filesystem.


When connected to a TLS over TCP, this is only supported with Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD. When connected over QUIC (e.g. HTTP/3) it is broadly supported.

This feature compensate for the complete removal of pyOpenSSL.

You may give your certificate to urllib3.future this way:

with HTTPSConnectionPool(,
) as https_pool:
    r = https_pool.request("GET", "/")


If your platform isn’t served by this feature it will raise a warning and ignore the certificate.

Inspect connection information and timings

The library expose a keyword argument, namely on_post_connection=... that takes a single positional argument of type ConnectionInfo.

You can pass this named argument into any request methods in PoolManager or HTTP(S)ConnectionPool.


The class ConnectionInfo is exposed at top-level package import.

Here is a basic example on how to inspect a connection that was picked / created for your request:

from urllib3 import PoolManager, ConnectionInfo

def conn_callback(conn_info: ConnectionInfo) -> None:

with PoolManager(resolver="dot+google://") as pm:
    resp = pm.urlopen("GET", "", on_post_connection=conn_callback)

ConnectionInfo hold the following properties:

  • established_latency timedelta
    • Time taken to establish the connection. Pure socket connect.

  • http_version HttpVersion
    • HTTP protocol used with the remote peer (not the proxy).

  • certificate_der bytes

  • certificate_dict dict
    • The SSL certificate presented by the remote peer (not the proxy).

  • issuer_certificate_der bytes

  • issuer_certificate_dict dict
    • The SSL issuer certificate for the remote peer certificate (not the proxy).

  • destination_address tuple[str,int]
    • The IP address used to reach the remote peer (not the proxy), that was yield by your resolver.

  • cipher str
    • The TLS cipher used to secure the exchanges (not the proxy).

  • tls_version ssl.TLSVersion
    • The TLS revision used (not the proxy).

  • tls_handshake_latency timedelta
    • The time taken to reach a complete TLS liaison between the remote peer and us (not the proxy).

  • resolution_latency timedelta
    • Time taken to resolve a domain name into a reachable IP address.

  • request_sent_latency timedelta
    • Time taken to encode and send the whole request through the socket.


Missing something valuable to you? Do not hesitate to ping us anytime. We will carefully study your request and implement it if we can.

Monitor upload progress

You can, since version 2.3.901, monitor upload progress. To do so, pass on to the argument on_upload_body a callable that accept 4 positional arguments.

The arguments are as follow: total_sent: int, content_length: int | None, is_completed: bool, any_error: bool.

  • total_sent: Amount of bytes already sent

  • content_length: Expected total bytes to be sent

  • is_completed: Flag that indicate end of transmission (body)

  • any_error: If anything goes wrong during upload, will be set to True


content_length might be set to None in case that we couldn’t infer the actual body length. Can happen if body is an iterator or generator. In that case you still can manually provide a valid Content-Length header.

See the following example:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

def track(total_sent: int, content_length: int | None, is_completed: bool, any_error: bool) -> None:
    print(f"{total_sent} / {content_length} bytes", f"{is_completed=} {any_error=}")

with PoolManager() as pm:
    resp = pm.urlopen("POST", "", data=b"foo"*1024*10, on_upload_body=track)

Using a Custom DNS Resolver

We take security matters very seriously. It is time that developers stop using insecure DNS resolution methods.


Available since version 2.4, no additional dependencies are required. Everything is carefully made by urllib3.future developers.

urllib3.future allows you to avoid using the default, often insecure DNS, that ship with every other HTTP clients. It strip you from having the deal with, often painful, extra steps to successfully integrate a custom resolver.

You can use any of the following DNS protocols:

  • DNS over UDP (RFC 1035)

  • DNS over TLS (RFC 7858)

  • DNS over HTTPS (2 or 3) using application/dns-json or application/dns-message formats.

  • DNS over QUIC

We explicitly choose not to support DNSCrypt. Support for this protocol must be brought by you using our BaseResolver abstract class.


DNS over UDP is insecure and should only be used in a trusted networking environments. e.g. Your company isolated VLAN.

In addition to those, you can find three special “protocols”:

  • DNS using basic key-value dictionary (e.g. very much like a Hosts file)

  • Disabled DNS resolution

  • OS Resolver (default)

Upgrading to any of DNS over TLS, DNS over HTTPS or DNS over QUIC will dramatically increase your security while consuming HTTP requests.

urllib3.future recommends the usage of DNS over QUIC or DNS over HTTPS to benefit from a substantial increase in performance by leveraging a multiplexed connection.


urllib3.future does not change the default resolver (OS by default). You’ll have to specify it yourself.

You can add the optional keyword parameter resolver=... into your PoolManager and HTTP(S)PoolManager constructors.

resolver=... takes either a Resolver, a list[Resolver] or a str.

The string is a URL representing how you want to configure your resolver. See bellow for how you can write said URLs for each protocols.


Thanks to our generic architecture, you can, at your own discretion combine multiple resolvers with or without specific conditions.


Using a hostname instead of an IP address is accepted when specifying your resolver. The caveat, here, is that the name resolution will proceed using your system default.


Only DNS over HTTPS support built-in support for proxies for now. We will support it in a future version.

DNS over UDP (Insecure)

In order to specify your own DNS server over UDP you can specify it like so:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver="dou://") as pm:

You can pass the following options to the DNS url:

  • timeout
    • dou://

  • source_address
    • dou://


DNS over UDP is generally to be avoided unless you are in a trusted networking environment.

DNS over TLS

In order to specify your own DNS server over TLS you can specify it like so:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver="dot://") as pm:

You can pass the following options to the DNS url:

  • timeout

  • source_address

  • server_hostname

  • key_file

  • cert_file

  • cert_reqs

  • ca_certs

  • ssl_version

  • ciphers

  • ca_cert_dir

  • key_password

  • ca_cert_data

  • cert_data

  • key_data


In order to specify your own DNS server over QUIC you can specify it like so:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver="doq://") as pm:

You can pass the following options to the DNS url:

  • timeout

  • source_address

  • server_hostname

  • key_file

  • cert_file

  • cert_reqs

  • ca_certs

  • key_password

  • ca_cert_data

  • cert_data

  • key_data


In order to specify your own DNS server over HTTPS you can specify it like so:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver="doh://") as pm:

You can pass the following options to the DNS url:

  • timeout

  • source_address

  • headers
    • doh://

    • Pass two header (x-hello-world with value goodbye, and x-client with value awesome-urllib3-future).

  • server_hostname

  • key_file

  • cert_file

  • cert_reqs
    • doh:// -> Disable certificate verification (not recommended)

    • doh:// -> Enforce certificate verification (already the default)

  • ca_certs

  • ssl_version
    • doh:// -> Enforce TLS 1.2

  • ciphers

  • ca_cert_dir

  • key_password

  • ca_cert_data

  • cert_data

  • key_data

  • disabled_svn
    • doh:// -> Disable HTTP/3

  • proxy _(url)_

  • proxy_headers


DNS over HTTPS support HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3. By default it tries to negotiate HTTP/2, then if available negotiate HTTP/3. The server must provide a valid Alt-Svc in responses.

Some DNS servers over HTTPS may requires you to be properly authenticated. We allow, out of the box, three types of authentication:

  • Basic Auth

  • Bearer Token

  • mTLS (or Client Certificate)

To forward a username and password:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver="doh://") as pm:

To pass a bearer token:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver="doh://") as pm:

Finally, to authenticate with a certificate:

from urllib3 import PoolManager, ResolverDescription

my_resolver = ResolverDescription.from_url("doh://")

my_resolver["cert_data"] = ...  # also available: cert_file
my_resolver["key_data"] = ...  # also available: key_file
my_resolver["key_password"] = ... # optional keyfile decrypt password

with PoolManager(resolver="doh://") as pm:

That’s it! You can access almost every type of resolvers.


The first two examples are exclusives to DNS over HTTPS while the third can be used with DNS over QUIC, and DNS over TLS.

You can leverage DNS over HTTPS using RFC 8484 or using the JSON format (JSON is not standard). If you rather strictly follow standards with RFC 8484 with Google public DNS or Cloudflare public DNS, append the query parameter ?rfc8484=true to your DNS over HTTPS url.

Disable DNS

In order to forbid name resolution in general:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver="null://default") as pm:

This will block any attempt to reach a URL that isn’t an IP address.

OS Resolver

To invoke your OS DNS default resolution mechanism:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver="system://default") as pm:

Doing this is strictly what happen by default.

Manual DNS Resolver

You can create your own tiny resolver that behave almost like the typical hosts file.

For example:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver="in-memory://default?") as pm:


This is most useful in development or where you actually don’t need a resolver in a highly controlled network environment.

Combining DNS Resolvers

You can leverage multiple DNS servers and resolution methods by passing an array of Resolver objects. The given list will implicitly set order/preference.

For example:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver=["doh+google://default", "doh+cloudflare://default"]) as pm:


This is meant for mission critical programs that require redundancy. There’s no imposed limit on the resolver count. urllib3.future recommend not exceeding 5 resolvers.

Every proposed protocols can be mixed in. Let’s say, for some reasons, you wanted to forbid the resolution of www.idontwantthis.tld. You would write the following:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver=["doh+google://default", "null://default?hosts=www.idontwantthis.tld"]) as pm:

This tiny code will prevent any resolution of www.idontwantthis.tld, therefore raising an exception if ever happening.

Multi-threading considerations

In normal conditions, this:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver=["doh+google://"]) as pm:

Open a single connection to Google DNS over HTTPS server. It will be a multiplexed connection by default. So each time urllib3.future need to transform a hostname into a IP address, it will send up to 3 concurrent requests (or questions) at once.

On a single threaded application, it will be more than enough to enjoy a fast experience. The story isn’t the same when you decide to spawn multiple threads. As per our thread safety policy, we lock a resolver two times, once when we send the queries, and finally when we wait for the answers.

You will most likely reach a bottleneck when querying a lot of different domain names. Fortunately, you can easily circumvent that limitation!

Simply put. Pass multiple DNS urls, duplicated or not:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver=["doh+google://", "doh+cloudflare://", "doh+cloudflare://", "doq+adguard://"]) as pm:

This example will provide you with 4 distinct resolver each having its own connection. They will be able to work concurrently.


It is scalable at will. So long that you own the required resources.


In a non multi-threaded environment, the first resolver is most likely to be used alone. No load-balancing is to be expected.

Restrict a resolver with specific domains

Let’s imagine you have a resolver that is only capable of translating domain like *.company.internal. How do you pass on a DNS url that is restricted with this?

Here’s how:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver=["doh+google://", "dou://*.company.internal"]) as pm:

With this, all domains that match *.company.internal will be resolved using server. Otherwise, DNS over HTTPS by Google will be tried.


More complex infrastructure may have two or more top level domains. Use the comma in the hosts query parameter to separate entries. Like so: ?hosts=*.company.internal,*.company.second-site or even ?hosts=*.company.internal&hosts=*.company.second-site.

Isn’t nice?


To ensure that localhost can be resolved, urllib3.future always add a system://default/?hosts=localhost to the resolvers (if necessary).

Shortcut DNS for trusted providers

When using the resolver=... using an URL, you can use some ready-to-use URLs.

We provide shortcuts for the following providers:

  • Cloudflare
    • DNS over TLS: dot+cloudflare://

    • DNS over UDP: dou+cloudflare://

    • DNS over HTTPS: doh+cloudflare://

  • Google
    • DNS over TLS: dot+google://

    • DNS over UDP: dou+google://

    • DNS over HTTPS: doh+google://

  • AdGuard
    • DNS over TLS: dot+adguard://

    • DNS over UDP: dou+adguard://

    • DNS over HTTPS: doh+adguard://

    • DNS over QUIC: doq+adguard://

  • Quad9
    • DNS over TLS: dot+quad9://

    • DNS over UDP: dou+quad9://

    • DNS over HTTPS: doh+quad9://

  • OpenDNS _(Nothing to do with Open Source, belong to Cisco)_
    • DNS over TLS: dot+opendns://

    • DNS over UDP: dou+opendns://

    • DNS over HTTPS: doh+opendns://

  • NextDNS
    • DNS over QUIC: doq+nextdns://

    • DNS over HTTPS: doh+nextdns://


We very much welcome suggestions if you feel this list is incomplete. Probably is the case! We won’t accept servers that are from your ISP.


Beware that, as of january 2024, both Google and Cloudflare does not support DNS over QUIC. To leverage a QUIC connection with them, you will have to use DNS over HTTPS.

How to choose your resolver? Simply check the latency of each. Thanks to urllib3.future, you can inspect ConnectionInfo using on_post_connection callback. Depending on various factors, you may find one more reactive than the other.

Using a custom port with a shortcut DNS url

Some countries may be issuing restriction with specific ports, preventing you to simply put doh+cloudflare:// for example. You can easily circumvent this limitation by choosing another port, the provider can at his own discretion provide alternative port or not.

  • doh+cloudflare://default:8443

Given example replace default port 443 with port 8443.


Cloudflare does not propose 8443 as an alternative port (it’s just for the example). See for more.

Passing options to the Resolver

You can pass almost all supported keyword arguments that come with urllib3.future like but not limited to:

  • timeout

  • source_address

  • ssl_version

  • cert_reqs

  • assert_fingerprint

  • assert_hostname

  • ssl_minimum_version

  • ssl_maximum_version


Beware that we automatically forward ca_cert_data, ca_cert_dir, and ca_certs (if specified) for convenience if not specified in DNS parameters.

When passing the resolver as a plain string url, you can do as follow:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver="doh+google://default?timeout=2&cert_reqs=0") as pm:


The following set the timeout to 2 and disable the certificate verification.

It is also possible to pass more complex argument like ca_cert_data using a ResolverDescription instance:

from urllib3 import PoolManager, ResolverDescription
import wassima

my_resolver = ResolverDescription.from_url("doh+google://default?timeout=2&cert_reqs=0")
my_resolver["ca_cert_data"] = wassima.generate_ca_bundle()

with PoolManager(resolver="doh+google://default?timeout=2") as pm:


That example showcase how to inject your OS trust store CA to be used with the DNS connection verification.

Create your own Resolver

You can create a resolver from scratch by inheriting BaseResolver that is located at urllib3.contrib.resolver. Then, once ready, you can instantiate it and pass it directly into the keyword argument resolver=....

The minimum viable resolver requires you to implement the methods getaddrinfo(...), close(), and is_available().

Use cases:

  • DNS over PostgreSQL (Using a database to translate hostnames)

  • DNS over Redis (Implementing a sharable persistent cache)


You can inherit any of, urllib3.contrib.doq.QUICResolver, urllib3.contrib.dou.PlainResolver, or urllib3.contrib.doh.HTTPSResolver and add your own layer. e.g. the redis sharable cache layer.


When you leverage a DNS resolver that is not the default, meaning DNS over QUIC / TLS / HTTPS and UDP, that ships within urllib3.future native capabilities you should expect DNSSEC to be enforced. See for in-depth explanations on the matter.

You can execute the following code to witness it:

from urllib3 import PoolManager

with PoolManager(resolver="doh+cloudflare://") as pm:
    pm.urlopen("GET", "")

This will raise an exception with the following message:

Failed to resolve '' (DNSSEC validation failure. Check and for errors)


You cannot circumvent that security check. It may be a life saver to you or your company. If you really want this feature shutdown, use resolver=None. You won’t be able to support (secure) alternative DNS providers.

Use our Resolvers outside of urllib3-future

It is possible to do hostname resolution without having to issue a request, in the case if you are only interested in that part.

This simple code demonstrate it:

from urllib3 import ResolverDescription
import socket

resolver = ResolverDescription.from_url("doh+google://").new()
res = resolver.getaddrinfo("", 443, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM)


The method getaddrinfo behave exactly like the Python native implementation in the socket stdlib.

A keyword-parameter, namely quic_upgrade_via_dns_rr, should be set to False (already the default) to avoid looking for the HTTPS record, thus taking you out of guard with the return list. We almost always start by looking for a TCP entrypoint, but thanks to HTTPS records, we can return a UDP entrypoint in the results.


Our resolvers are thread safe.

Refer to the API references to know more about exposed methods.


You can use at your own discretion your instantiated resolver in a PoolManager, HTTP(S)ConnectionPool or even HTTP(S)Connection using the resolver=... keyword argument.

Combine resolvers

Using multiple DNS resolvers is nearly as easy as instantiating a single one. You may follow bellow example:

from urllib3 import ResolverDescription
from urllib3.contrib.resolver import ManyResolver

resolvers = [

resolver = ManyResolver(*resolvers)
# ....You know the drill..!

Enforce IPv4 or IPv6


Available since version 2.4+

You can enforce urllib3.future to connect to IPv4 addresses or IPv6 only. To do so, you just have to specify the following keyword argument (socket_family) into your PoolManager, HTTP(S)ConnectionPool or HTTP(S)Connection.

By writing exactly this:

from urllib3 import PoolManager
import socket

with PoolManager(socket_family=socket.AF_INET) as pm:
    pm.urlopen("GET, "", on_post_connection=lambda ci: print(ci))

In this example, you are enforcing connecting to a IPv4 only address, and thanks to the callback on_post_connection you will be able to inspect the ConnectionInfo and verify the destination address.

Happy Eyeballs


Available since version 2.7+


Happy Eyeballs (also called Fast Fallback) is an algorithm published by the IETF that makes dual-stack applications (those that understand both IPv4 and IPv6) more responsive to users by attempting to connect using both IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time (preferring IPv6), thus minimizing common problems experienced by users with imperfect IPv6 connections or setups.

The name “happy eyeballs” derives from the term “eyeball” to describe endpoints which represent human Internet end-users, as opposed to servers.



urllib3.future is capable of serving the Happy Eyeballs algorithm even if there is only one type of addresses available (e.g. IPv4 OR IPv6).

We choose to limit the numbers of concurrent connections to 4 (by default) at the time we wrote this.

By default, for backward compatibility sake, it is disabled. You will have to enable it this way:

import urllib3

async with urllib3.AsyncPoolManager(happy_eyeballs=True) as pm:


The keyword argument happy_eyeballs can be used in AsyncPoolManager, AsyncHTTPConnectionPool and its synchronous counterparts.

This feature works out-of-the-box no matter what protocol you are using or interpreter version.


urllib3.future logs its attempt and help you track why it choose one method or the other.

Concurrency model

urllib3.future serve both synchronous and asynchronous interface, so we had to use two different concurrency models. Happy Eyeballs requires to do concurrent tasks.

  • Synchronous mode: ThreadPoolExecutor

  • Asynchronous mode: Asyncio native tasks


The asynchronous algorithm is more efficient than its synchronous counterpart.


A particularity exist in the synchronous context, a timeout is mandatory due its nature (threads: cannot kill them if pending I/O). By default we expect a max delay of 400ms at most.

In what scenario do I gain using this?

Here are a few use cases where you may gain a substantial performance gain:

  • I want to download a video from BigProvider XYZ (e.g. YouTube) that yield 10 IP addresses per DNS query. It will pick the fastest server available.

  • I am inside of a Kubernetes environment, and I want to pick the fastest endpoint when the service has more than 1 IP tied to it.

  • IPv6 fail sometime or IPv4, and I cannot predict it easily so I have to try them.


In the last item “IPv6 fail sometime or IPv4”, you may are facing the unusual “my connect timeout” isn’t respected. It was due to attempting connect to several addresses sequentially, thus making the connect timeout applied “or waited” several times.

Change the number of concurrent connections

urllib3.future always try up to 4 IP addresses by default, but that behavior is easily overridable. So, instead of passing a boolean, pass an integer that must be > 1, otherwise, it will be considered as disabled.

Here is a simple example:

import urllib3

async with urllib3.AsyncPoolManager(happy_eyeballs=10) as pm:

This will enable up to 10 concurrent connections. To be clear, with that setting, if your DNS resolver yield 6 addresses, you will spawn 6 tasks.


Setting more than 20 is impracticable, DNS servers have a set limit of how many records can be returned. Most of the time, regular user are advised to leave the default value.